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If you come to fame not understanding who you are, it will define who you are. -Oprah Winfrey

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fear of Chaos Grow In Haiti!

Despite relative calm, there were reports of sporadic looting and violence after Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake clobbered the capital, affecting millions of people and possibly killing tens of thousands.
"If help doesn't come quickly, it probably will [get worse]," Agnes Pierre-Louis, manager of the Le Plaza hotel in Port-au-Prince. "We're not hearing anything from the government. We're not seeing any foreign aid yet."

Former President Clinton told CNN's "American Morning" on Friday that the military's major priority should be to distribute supplies, get people radios, arrange adequate shelters and develop lighted areas at night.

"You've got unprecedented numbers of the people roaming the streets at night with no place to sleep. They haven't had any sleep in two days. They don't have water. They don't have food," said Clinton, the U.N. special envoy to Haiti.
"Think how you would feel if you lost everything? You were wandering around streets at night, they were all dark; you were tripping over bodies, living and dead, and you didn't have water to drink or food to eat. That's what we're facing now. That's what we've got to get through now."

"We're working feverishly and aggressively to support and provide life-sustaining capability to the citizens of Haiti," U.S. Air Force Gen. Douglas Fraser told reporters. "They've suffered a great deal."
On Friday morning, the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson arrived in Haiti, said Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The carrier has a significant capacity to deliver disaster-relief supplies, with 19 helicopters, 51 hospital beds, three operating rooms and the ability to produce hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per day.

Within four days, 700 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne will be in the quake zone. By next Tuesday, three more ships carrying 2,200 Marines and heavy equipment will join them. By Saturday, about 5,000 to 6,000 men and women dedicated to supporting the relief effort will be in Haiti.

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For anyone in Philadelphia you can drop off money donations and medicine off at 
Drop Out Sites for donations  for Haiti: The Office of State Senator Leanna M.Washington 1555-A Wadsworth Ave.Philadelphia PA 19150

Pray For Haiti.

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